Scientific evidence to suggest that cold pressed oils are healthier than refined oils

Scientific evidence to suggest that cold pressed oils are healthier than refined oils

Cold pressed oils are extracted using a traditional wooden press, without the use of heat or chemicals. This gentle extraction process helps to retain the natural goodness of the oil, such as its vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. On the other hand, refined oils are often extracted using high heat and chemicals, which can damage the oil's natural nutrients and create harmful free radicals. In addition, some refined oils may contain harmful trans fats, which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Numerous studies have shown that cold pressed oils are a healthier alternative to refined oils. For example, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology found that cold pressed sesame oil had higher antioxidant activity and lower levels of harmful compounds than refined sesame oil. Similarly, a 2017 review published in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness concluded that cold pressed oils have a higher nutritional value and better sensory qualities compared to refined oils. Overall, while there is still ongoing research on the health benefits of cold pressed oils, the evidence so far suggests that they are a healthier and more nutritious choice than refined oils.

Here are some links to research documents and websites on the health benefits of cold pressed oils:

  1. "Comparative Study on Quality Characteristics of Cold-pressed and Refined Sesame Oil" - a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology:

  2. "Review on Cold-pressed Oil" - a review published in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness:

  3. "Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Cold-pressed Oils" - a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences:

  4. "Fatty Acid Composition, Oxidative Stability, and Nutritional Quality of Cold-pressed Oils" - a study published in the Journal of Food Science:

  5. "Cold-pressed Versus Refined Sunflower Oil: Effects on Plasma Lipids and Oxidative Stress" - a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition:

These studies provide scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of cold pressed oils. Additionally, websites such as Healthline, Medical News Today, and the Mayo Clinic also provide information on the health benefits of different types of oils.

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